Transforming spaces into cultural hubs with unique instruments and intimate performances.
What we do
Keys to the City owns and manages a collection of unique electromechanical, all-analog instruments. We re-home these in spaces around the city to serve as anchor points for building musical events and culture for the community that uses that space.
Keys to the City isn't just about placing instruments; it's about creating experiences. We organize performances in these activated spaces, carefully selecting artists who resonate with the community. These events become cultural landmarks, enhancing the local music scene.
The instruments serve as more than just tools; they're catalysts for creativity. Keys to the City aims to launch artist residencies, offering musicians access to unique instruments and a platform to showcase their work. This nurtures local talent and enriches the broader artistic landscape.
Instruments as Bridges to Community
Connect with Us
We're here to support you and provide a platform for your hardwork to shine.